How to Treat Hay fever Successfully with Homeopathy
Table of contents:
Chapter one: What is hay fever?
Chapter two: Taking the patient’s case
Chapter three: Remedies and materia medica
Chapter four: The philosophy behind the treatment plan, what Kent had to say
Chapter five: Use of rubrics and repertory
Chapter six: Potency and posology
Chapter seven: Case examples
About the author
Remedies covered include:
Agaricus, Ailanthus, Allium cepa, Ambrosia artemisefolia, Apis, Aralia racemosa, Arsenicum album, Arsenicum iodatum, Arum triphyllum, Arundo, Badiaga, Carcinosium, Causticum, Cyclamen, Dulcamara, Euphrasia, Gelsemium, Iodum, Kali bich, Kali iodatum, Lemna-minor, Naphthalin, Naja, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Phleum pretense, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulbosa, Rosa damascena, Rhus tox, Sabadilla, Sanguinaria, Silicea, Sinapis nigra, Sticta pulmonaria, Sulphur, Teucrium and Wyethia.
For the more experienced practitioner I hope that this book will be useful in bringing together in one place information on the remedies that are most commonly required in the treatment of hay fever.
I have always found it useful to have my ‘Hay fever Therapeutics’ notes to hand in the consulting room between May and August and I hope that you will find these notes useful too. I hope that you find this booklet useful in your practice and that it fills a gap in your homeopathic library.
Approx 29 pages of materia medica, philosophy and guidelines.
Hayfever eBook
Little has been written about the treatment of hay fever with homeopathy and yet it continues to be a challenge for both students of homeopathy and for more experienced prescribers.
When the correct remedy is found results can be amazing, but getting there can be difficult! This eBook looks at materia medica, repertory and philosophy to guide you in treating this condition.
2ND EDITION NOW AVAILABLE – with 10 additional remedies & case examples.
This book is not intended to be used for self treatment and is only available to students of homeopathy or qualified practitioners.
If you wish to pay by cheque rather than PayPal please order through the Contact page.
Review ARH Journal Homeopathy in Practice Spring 2008
Reader’s comments
Dear Mike, thank you very much for sending me the hay fever eBook so quickly. It’s excellent and I’m so glad to have all that information in one place, and so grateful that you have put it all together and made it available.
Best wishes
Have read your book and used the questionnaire. It was very useful. It is my plan to write a book review for the Danish Society’s (of Homeopaths) newsletter.
Thanks for writing and sending the booklet – a helpful addition to the homeopathic literature! Thanks for sharing your good work!
I have known Mike for many years and value him as a competent and experienced homeopath. Mike has contributed to our profession by publishing an ebook on Hayfever and Homeopathy useful for students and practitioners alike.