November is Men’s Health month

I have just returned from the 1st Malaysian International Integrative Healthcare Conference at Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences.

Whilst I was there I had the privilege of meeting Mr Adil Yahya, the father of a boy with autism. He described very movingly his journey from denial to acceptance of his son’s autism.

To improve the quality of life for his son he has set up the Autism Cafe Project in Kuala Lumpa.

Talking to him about his son I felt sure that he could benefit from homeopathic treatment as well.

I am honoured by those parents who bring their children to me for homeopathic treatment, I realise what a responsability it is to work with them and appreciate their trust in me.

Having an autistic child puts an enormous strain on any marriage or relationship, and often ends in divorce or separation, those parents who do manage to stay together are special parents indeed.

In my practice I often only meet the mothers, but especially with Pakistani, Indian or Bangledeshi families, either living here or abroad, I often meet the fathers too.

So I would encourage all father’s to talk to me about their children and about themselves, homeopathy can help parents too.




He had some great T- shirts too, see his facebook page here

I offer a free 15 minute consultation by phone or Skype

Using Skype is easy. If you’re not sure how to get started give me a call or send an email and we can talk things through.

Mr Adil’s video about the ups and downs of his relationship with his son

Get in touch by email and I will get back to you very soon

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