If antihistamines are not working well for you have you thought about trying an effective alternative without side effects? Remedies are suitable for all ages including babies and children.
Match yourself to one of these remedies Euphrasia (watering eyes with tears that burn. Runny nose with much sneezing.) Sabadilla (Great itching and irritation with violent spasms of sneezing; copious watery discharge from nose and eyes.) Allium Cepa (running eyes and a burning discharge from the nose – opposite of Euphrasia.)
Take one 6c tablet three times per day for several days, if that does not help, try another or consult a homeopath. There are over thirty remedies that are used in the treatment of hay fever with homeopathy. Once you feel some improvement only take a remedy when you feel you need to in order to keep symptoms at bay.
If that does not help visit a professional homeopath ‘remember you will get the best results from seeing a properly qualified homeopath who can tailor the remedy to your individual symptoms’ Dr Mark Potter Radio Times 1998
If you suffer from hay fever try and start treatment before symptoms start, if possible before the onset of symptoms so as to begin to strengthen the immune system in preparation for the hay fever season, otherwise as soon as possible.
Ask about treatment of the underlying constitutional cause. Hay fever is a chronic problem with seasonal flare ups.
Discover other peoples experiences of treating hay fever with homeopathy
Prepare yourself for an appointment or to self prescribe from a range of remedies by completing the questionnaire available by e mail or phone.
Other benefits: once you are registered with the homeopath you will be able to have treatment of other health problems too as part of the follow up program.

I offer a free 15 minute consultation by phone or Skype
Using Skype is easy. If you’re not sure how to get started give me a call or send an email and we can talk things through.
For over twenty years I’ve suffered with hay fever and all the discomfort this allergy brings. But this year after taking a homeopathic remedy that was prescribed; I was totally amazed when these symptoms almost completely disappeared. For the first time I needed no medication or inhalers from the doctor, throughout the summer.
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